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Luxembourg Sexologist, 8 Questions I Get Asked Repeatedly, 5th One is The Most Embarrassing!!!



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Everyone wants to enjoy sex, but most women are not getting their needs met, this is what I have noticed working with 100’s of women as a Luxembourg sexologist for almost a decade

Sexologists are experts in human sexual behaviour, providing tailored counselling and treatments for those encountering obstacles with their sexuality.

From conception to STDs, gender identity to relationship issues – sexologists offer support with a wide array of topics by utilizing therapeutic approaches that allow patients the opportunity to comprehend and embrace their own unique experience while nurturing healthier connections within themselves and those they share intimate moments with.

Over a decade ago, I decided to seek out help from my sexologist as I was facing issues with my sex life. For over 10 years, I experienced Vaginismus and it was taking an immense toll on my marriage.

Vaginismus can be an incredibly disheartening condition, destroying your confidence to express and enjoy sexuality. You may feel like there’s something wrong with you, that you are inferior or sexually broken in some way.

It’s a self-fulfilling prophecy of pain that can last a lifetime.

By reaching out to work with a Sexologist I was able to break the cycle of pain beat vaginismus.

Luxembourg sexologist 2

No.1/ What Does a Luxembourg Sexologist Do, Exactly?

A sex therapist assists people who are experiencing intimate difficulties, providing invaluable guidance to achieve an improved quality of life.

A sexologist is a skilled specialist with experience in aiding individuals who are facing issues related to intimacy, relationships and sexuality.

No.2/ Sexual issues that a Sexologist Can Address

Low libido

There are a lot of people who lose their sexual libido, a lot of them after having kids. Sometimes we can lose it because of hormonal dysfunction, physical health issues, low self-esteem, and relationship problems.

This can cause a lot of distress in relationships and make it difficult to find pleasure in intimacy or even connect with your partner.

Sexual trauma

With more than half of women enduring sexual trauma, it is no surprise that this can shape the way they experience pleasure—both receiving and giving.

My clients come to me to learn how to reclaim their power to transform their trauma to turn on.

No orgasm (or “pre-orgasmic”)

A lot of women have never had an orgasm and coaching has allowed them to reach this milestone, regardless of their age or lifestyle.


I know what it feels like to live with Vaginismus, and how it can incur both psychological and physical distress that renders us filled with anxiety or fear regarding sex.

Endometriosis and pleasure

Women with endometriosis not only experience pain, irregular menstrual cycles, exhaustion, and infertility but also have difficulty engaging in sexual activities.

Endometriosis is a condition that can cause extreme discomfort and distress for those suffering from it.

Body dysphoria

Body dysphoria can be an incredibly painful and difficult experience for many individuals, often resulting in a deep dissatisfaction with one’s appearance or a sense of disconnection from their own body.

Social and dating skill deficient

As a sexologist, I often provide coaching to clients struggling with social and dating skills. This can include anything from difficulty making conversation and having low self-confidence to not understanding one’s own emotions or reading social cues.

My goal is to equip them with the tools and mindset they need to thrive in the world of dating.

Read more about common sexual concerns from The Art of Sex Coaching by Sexologist Dr. Patti Britton

No.3/ You Might Ask “What is the Difference between Sexologists the same thing as Sex Therapy?”

Sex therapists are certified mental health professionals who specialize in treating sexual problems through psychological and cognitive therapies. They usually possess a Master’s Degree in Counseling or Social Work, and they are licensed by each state.

They tend to focus on what’s wrong and because of this, they can make you feel like you’re broken.

Even though Sexologists or sex coaches are not officially licensed, they may still have a certification – such as I did when I obtained an 800-hour certificate from The Tantric Institute of Integrated Sexuality founded by Layla Martin. Moreover, my certifications include trauma resolution and somatic sex education which give me the ability to provide clients with even better service quality than before.

My educational background has enabled me to offer outstanding services to all who come seeking help.

An experienced Sexologist can help you build a healthier relationship with your sexuality and cultivate an improved sex life.

If you’re looking for support, guidance and encouragement to make a meaningful change in your sex life, it’s time to enlist the help of a Luxembourg Sexologist.

They’ll provide accountability and set goals that will motivate you as you strive towards meeting them over an agreed-upon period.

Luxembourg sexologist

No.4/ What Does a Luxembourg Sexologist Session look like?

Every one of my clients is warmly welcomed into a personal or group container with an introductory session via zoom, where we can discuss any issues and sexual desires. We will discuss any pertinent sex/sexuality concern you are facing now and develop a plan of action to resolve it

To close our conversation on a positive note, I will send you an intake form at the end of our session summarizing what we have agreed to cover in each session, along with additional potential topics for us to explore.

I provide private consultations that are 60 minutes in length and take place every two weeks. Additionally, I am available for check-ins via Telegram throughout our sessions.

As a bonus, I also provide exclusive access to my transformative home plays and nourishing sex 8 weeks program!

I do not discuss Mental Health issues, as I am not a Licensed Mental Health Professional. If you have concerns about sexologist space holding affecting your mental health, please consult with your LMHP before engaging

I guide clients with the vital and integrated tantric approach, using powerful holistic tools like sensual breathwork, embodiment pleasure practices, trauma resolution, and energy work, going deep into the heart of the issues that are affecting them subconsciously, to create lasting change.

Sexologist is partnering with a client in a loving, supportive, and compassionate way to create a safe container for transformation, that results in greater self-love, integration, and self-realization, while staying focused on the client, realizing their desires and goals in sex, love, and relationships in alignment with their original essence.

I partner with my clients and hold them with love, undoing the shadow of negativity and oppression around sex. We also focus on empowerment.

All sessions are touch-free & can be conducted via phone or video meeting

*All sessions will be virtual/remote* (calls or video chat)

No.5/ Do Sexologist Have Sex With Their Clients?

Not at all. Sex coaching is a discussion-based form of guidance where both the client and coach stay dressed during their time together. As a rule, this is generally the case for all sessions.

No.6/ The Benefit of Working With a Luxembourg Sexologist

There are so many benefits to working with a Sexologist, these are the ones shared by my clients:

“Working with Joyce to resolve my sexual pain has been a game-changer. After 8 years of marriage and continuous soreness during every intimate encounter, I was desperate for help.

Fortunately, the coaching she provided me coupled with her resources and practices have brought about an incredible transformation in just two months! Though it didn’t take effect immediately, we now look back on the journey knowing that our hard work paid off—sexual pain is no longer part of my life.”

“Working with a Sexologist has helped me spice things up in the bedroom!”

“I have been able to transform my stigma of shame around sex and embrace my sexual identity.”

“Because of Joyce’s coaching, I was finally able to conceiver in love”

Apart from these juicy testimonials from my clients, here is a list of other benefits of working with a Sexologist

  • You’ll be able to explore your sexual curiosities in a safe container
  • You’ll learn how to feel more connected to your body
  • You’ll learn how to create a nourishing sex life
  • You’ll learn how to feel more pleasure in your body
  • You’ll discover how to experience pleasure and have an orgasm
  • You’ll learn how to rediscover your sensual pleasure after surgery and/or trauma
  • You’ll learn the necessary skills to navigate scar tissue and other delicate areas
  • You’ll learn how to be more present in your sexuality
  • You’ll gain a greater understanding of how to become more in tune with your sexual desires and pleasure.
  • You’ll learn how to prioritise your desires, instead of forcing yourself to explore what you think your lover “wants”
  • You’ll learn to identify, value and articulate your boundaries with more clarity.
  • You’ll discover how to cultivate a juicy (sex) life centred around on what give you pleasue instead of striving for an objective.

No.7/ What Results Can I Expect From Working With a Sexologist?

By partnering with a coach, you will gain access to the knowledge and confidence needed to take your sex life in a more meaningful direction.

In addition, clients who have worked directly with me report feeling more connected and empowered than ever before — gaining newfound body confidence, healing from any sexual shame or trauma they may have faced, and experiencing an overall renewed sense of self.

Take it from those who have experienced these effects first-hand! Read their testimonials for yourself today!

Luxembourg Sexologist

No.8/ How Do I Get Started Working With a Luxembourg Sexologist?

With me, it’s simple, go ahead and click here to book a free consult call. You can Email me. Or you can hop on a free 15-minute Discovery Call.

If you’re looking to heal sexual trauma, performance anxiety and thrive in your sex life, click here to Book a Free Consults Now



Luxembourg Sexologist

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Hi, I'm Victoria

I specialize in helping women effectively manage the emotional chanages that come with perimenopausal hormonal imbalance so that they can live the unshakable life they have always imagined.

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